Monday, August 3, 2009

Senior Rockstar Tour *** IMAGES!***

Well, a while back on the blog I announced an awesome project that I've gotten to be a part of, The Senior Rockstar Tour. No, I'm not talking about senior citizens! :) The Tour is all about High School Seniors and creating the ultimate senior portrait experience.

Now that we have 2 tours behind us, I can safely say that this really is the ultimate experience. I wish i could have done something like this for my senior photos!

I wanted to post some images from the first tour to give everyone an idea of what our day was like and what kind of images we produced. I'm just going through the stuff from the second tour so I'll have those up later. It's sort of hard to give you the whole picture because as just one of the 5 participating studios, I only have my images to show here. But these seniors have galleries of about 100+ amazing & different images to choose from. I just think it's great that we can all get together and provide such an awesome day for these kids and do something that no one has done before. Even better is the students who went on the tour have given us some amazing feedback! We've posted a bunch of their messages in a special gallery on the SRST website, along with some images from each of the photographers. I'll tell you what... it is an amazing feeling when a customer gives you positive feedback like this. Thanks so much to the kids for being our fabulous guinea pigs! :) Check out what they had to say!

We are taking a waiting list for a 3rd date this fall. If we get enough interested students, we will try to set up a 3rd date and go out one more time this year. If you're interested shoot us a message through the contact form on the website. If not... we will definitely be doing this again next summer, so stay tuned!


Megan Wray said...

cousin. these are amazing!! any chance you would come to ohio in about 2 years?? :) love ya!
<3 Megan

The Pattersons said...

they are some very lucky seniors. Those photos look amazing! Good Job Erin and the other photographers involved.

paige elizabeth said...

Loooooove these! What a blast!

Andrew said...

The images are amazing and so is the idea...I hope it's crazy successful for you guys.

Unknown said...

Stellar portraits! I love the shot in the drainage tunnel. I hope it went as great as it looked!

Alex Workman said...

Great shots! Keep up the great work!

Unknown said...

Hey - I am in town for just a couple of days. I didn't know if you were going to be down on Tuesday morning but I am free that morning if you you were around. Want to come over to my parent's place, meet the kiddos, and hang out?